Man, I can not believe that we are 2 weeks out from the race! Louisiana is finally deciding to join the rest of the country in winter weather, so there's hope for a nice cool run. Current long range forecasts (which are completely useless) are predicting a low in the mid 40's and a high in the mid 60's. Perfect. I know our northern friends never believe us until it is too late, but with the high humidity here, you will really feel the cold. Bring extra layers.
Here is the layout of the course for you guys - main point being, be prepared to carry enough liquids / nutrition for an 8 mile stretch. It's not ideal, but when I floated the idea to my buddies about resurrecting the temporary Cajun Aid station at mile marker 12, I had to move quick to avoid sharp flying objects. Evidently boating in tables, tents, food and hundreds of pounds of water, then carrying all of that up hill for over a quarter of a mile to reach the spot was not something they were planning to do again. And really, it is just 8 miles. You guys will be fine.
One of the bridges you will run across. The water probably won't be this high though. |
FOR THE 20, 40, AND 60 MILER
**These distances are approximate. We are going off of mile marker signs at the park, which are constantly being moved. The GPS measurement for this course was 21 miles last year.
So, the out and back course measures 21 miles from the Start/Finish to the Mud n Guts aid station at mile 8, then back to the Start/Finish. When you leave the start, 4 miles later you will have the Sloths aid station (you'll recognize them - they are very rowdy, and VERY Cajun). Once you leave the Sloths, you will have an 8 mile stretch until you hit the Mud n Guts aid station (and the Porta potties). This is where you will be turned around and head back 8 miles to the Sloths, then 4 miles to the start/finish area.
Repeat as necessary for your distance. Yes, the 60 miler will be 63 miles. You get extra gumbo and beer when you finish.
This year we will have a sign at the 12 mile mark (site of last years Cajun Aid station), with a unique hole punch. ON THE FIRST LAP, use said punch to mark your bib, turn around and head back to the Sloths, then to the start/finish.
Here's what your race will look like:
First lap - head to Sloths (4 miles in), then to sign at the mile 12 marker with the hole punch. Punch your bib to prove you didn't cheat, head back to Sloths. This will still be an 8 mile stretch for you guys since you go out 4 miles from the Sloths to the sign then head back to the Sloths, then the start/finish. This first lap will be 16 miles.
Next four laps, do the full course - s/f - Sloths - MnG - Sloths, s/f for 21 miles each. This will give you a total of just over 100 miles total.
I'll go over the details again race morning, but it is pretty straightforward. 100 milers punch your bib at the mile 12 marker (8 miles into the first lap), then head back the s/f. Every other lap is the full trip to Mud n Guts and back.
Feel free to message with questions, or just ask me when you get there. See you guys in two weeks!
Happy Running!
A small part of the Loup Garou family! |
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