200 & 500 Mile Clubs

We are proud to announce the first member of our 500 mile club - Mike Smith!  Mike has run the 100 miler every year of the race, and earned his 500 mile jacket and award this year while finishing his 177th - 100 miler! We LOVE Mike and Sandra, and are so happy that they are a part of our family! 

And he got 3rd place male in the process!! 

As we find ourselves approaching our third year putting on this incredible race, I wanted to give you all more details on the Loup Garou 200 & 500 Mile Clubs.  

I am so touched by the loyalty many of you have shown to me, and I want to find a cool way to give something back to you. For those of you who are NOT interested in running a 100 miler (it's not for everyone), I have created the 200 Mile Club.  Once the total of the miles you have run at Loup Garou total 200 miles, in any combination you choose (10 - 20 milers, 2 - 40 milers and 2 - 60 milers, etc), you will become a member of the 200 Mile Club.  You will receive an award similar to the one pictured above or something equally cool, and your name will forever be seen on the Loup Garou and Paix Running websites.

The 500 mile club is for those of you with a total of 500 miles on the Loup Garou trail, including at least one 100 miler.  Once you reach 500 miles, you get to choose between a cool award or an embroidered jacket with "500 Mile Club",  along with listing on the Loup Garou and Paix Running websites.

It is your responsibility to contact me prior to earning this award, so that I have time to verify your races and order your award.

Again, this is just a small way of paying you guys back for your loyalty, and give you something to work towards.  Hopefully one day we will be able to start a "1,000 Mile Club".

Happy Running, Y'all!


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