Tuesday, December 10, 2024

2024 - What an amazing (but tough) year!!


Parker Harris (15) the final finisher of the 2024 Loup Garou 100 miler.

As usual, we are blown away and humbled by you guys!  Thank you for joining us for the weekend to run the 8th Annual Loup Garou Trail Run.  It was a tough year, but a great one.  So many amazing milestones were reached, from Mrs. Yvonne being our "Most Seasoned" finisher of the 20 miler at 78 years young, to TWO 15 year old 100 mile finishers, to Mike Smith(67) finishing his 229th 100 miler with us (and his 8th Loup Garou 100 miler).  

It is easy to get wrapped up with all of these accomplishments, but in no way do these overshadow the personal achievements of our other runners.  We had so many first timers attempting a new distance this year, and that is where the real courage is found - whether you finished or not, just reaching the start line of a race like this takes incredible bravery.  Thank you for trusting us enough to attempt to reach new goals here! 

The week leading up to Loup Garou was a wet one in Ville Platte, but we were hopeful that the trail would dry out. By Friday, when our expert trail marker, Aaron Artigue, did the loop, he felt like the trail was in pretty good shape.  Saturday morning brought a light drizzle that carried on throughout the day, making the trail good for the 20 milers but growing sloppier as the day went on for the ultra distances.  Combine the light rain with cold temps, and it made for an extra challenging overnight run.

Drop rates were the highest this year for the 100 miler since the covid years where the course was an out and back totaling 106 very hilly miles.  Everyone was feeling it by the end.  The added challenge of wet feet, sticky mud and cold temps caused over 1/2 of our 100 mile runners to decide that discretion is, in fact, the better part of valor, and end their races early.  For those who stuck with it, it meant slower finish times and extended discomfort.

In the end, regardless of distance run, the race was what I would consider a resounding success. What are the metrics that I use to declare an event a success?  Our overall registration numbers were a little down this year - isn't that disappointing?  No.  The people who showed up are the ones who were supposed to spend the weekend with us.  There were so many hugs and smiles this weekend, it really did feel like we were at a family reunion (but with family you want to visit with).  Yes, cool stuff happened on the trail, but cool stuff happened at the start/finish area as well.  Friends were made, phone numbers were exchanged, and REAL connections happened! 

Were there disappointing parts?  Yep.  Someone felt the need to steal candles out of two of the three porta potties at the start/finish. Really not a big deal, but those are put there for runner comfort to mask that late-in-the-race porta potty aroma.  Also, this year we had a higher than average number of litter bugs among our runners. That is the most disappointing part.  Some litter is accidental, of course, but the volume of it this year - cups, nutrition wrappers, etc., was really disappointing.  When we invite runners to share our home trail, we are inviting you onto hallowed ground. This is what many of us consider our sacred place, and to see it disrespected is pretty sad.  Thankfully, we have amazing runners who love our trail too, so they ran behind the litterbugs and picked up their trash.  How sad that that is necessary.

All in all though, 2024 went into the books as another amazing event because of YOU!!! Thank you for coming and thank you once again for trusting us with this major event in your life.  We know how important it is to you and believe me when I say that it is just as important to us! 

2025 registration is OPEN!  Hard to believe there are only two more Loup Garou's left, with 2026 being the final year, but we are all more committed than ever to make these next two years the best yet! See you on December 6th, 2025.  https://ultrasignup.com/register.aspx?did=122275 

Happy Running!


Tuesday, October 22, 2024

8th Year of Loup Garou is quickly approaching!

The way time is passing now, we will blink and it will be December 7th and you guys will be lining up to start the 8th year of the Loup Garou Trail Run.  It is always fun for me to watch so many people push their boundaries and attempt to finish a new distance or try for a new personal record.  There aren't many times in your adult life where you have permission to put your needs first and concentrate on yourself for a while.  Trail races give you that, and I think that is a huge blessing.  

When I first started participating in trail and ultra distance races, my kids were still little so most of my life was centered around them - where they needed to be and at what time, what had they eaten that day and generally, were all of their needs met.  My needs came last, which is the way parenthood should be, but when I discovered trail and ultra running, it was nice to escape that for a bit - even if just for an hour - and clear my head of everything except whether I needed to eat something or drink more. 

There is so much growth in long, solitary endeavors. When you are surrounded with people in your day to day life, having some time to listen to your own thoughts and form your own ideas and opinions is so freeing.

I am hoping you guys all have the opportunity to discover something about yourself at Loup Garou this year and you all leave a little more complete because of it.  

See you all at Chicot! 

Edie, RD

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

The spirit of trail running and my two cents

 Things are changing in trail running.  What used to be a crusty, niche sport is growing and shinier, larger races are being offered.  More people are learning about running trails and venturing into the woods for their races, and there is something to fit everyone now.  If you are a fan of running through crowds of cheering people and having your name announced on a speaker at the finish, or if you like a quiet finish with just a few friends and family clapping and celebrating your achievement, there are races to fit each scenario. 

I have always believed, and still do, that anything that attracts new people to our sport is good.  If you are coming from road races where you are accustomed to big crowds, a larger race may be in your comfort zone.  If you are trying to get away from that type of race, there are options out there for you as well.  I think that it is all good for our sport. 

But, one thing that does bother me to a degree is how expensive some trail races are becoming.  I don't like the idea of trail running becoming an exclusive sport only for those who can afford it.  I get it - you put out a product and set the price and if people are willing to pay it, then so be it.  The problem that I am seeing is that many times the cost itself makes the event more desirable - not the value of the event.  I am guilty at times of buying a more expensive version of the product assuming that along with the higher price comes better quality, and many times that is wrong.

Yes, race directors need to make a living too, but I think it can be done without scalping people.  Do your research on an event before you sign up to be sure your expectations match with the reality of the race.  Some race directors do what they do for a love of the sport, others are just greedy.  It's up to you to decide who is who. 

So, that was my two cents.  And here is what you can expect for the next three years of Loup Garou (if you haven't heard about the race coming to an end in 2026, read the earlier post) - there will be no price increases.  I will also continue to bring in quality merchandise for you to purchase to celebrate your race at a reasonable price. 

I want Loup Garou to be something you can bring your friends and family to, and where you can feel like a part of a trail running community.  That is what made me fall in love with the sport, and I want you to have the same experience.  Here's what I mean:

So many smiles! 

Our ace cooking team making the most of the weekend! 

Family and friends doing hard things together.

Enjoying a post race beer and waiting for a friend to finish.

Find a race that looks fun!  Find one that lights you on fire and makes your training exciting (as much as it can be). Find one that is hard enough to challenge you so that you can fully experience the joy of the finish line.  There is every kind of race out there - find the right fit for you and do big things. This is the BEST sport with the BEST people, and you are one of them. :-) 

Happy Running! 

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Registration is open and a big announcement for Loup Garou!


This year's Loup Garou race is going down as the Year of the Smiling Runner.  There were so many happy faces and happy tears at the finish line this year, and we love it!  Each of our runners came to challenge themselves and spend some quality time out on the trail, and each one walked away with something they didn't have before the race - and no, I am not talking about chafing or black toenails - I mean insight. And hopefully a sense of pride in what they were able to accomplish whether they crossed the finish line or not.

The last 7 years of hosting Loup Garou has been a tremendous blessing for myself and our race crew.  We have been a part of many life changing moments, and we are honored to have been a part of every one of them.  And we are tired.  Putting on this race is seriously hard work, and the older we get (race director and volunteers), the harder it gets.  We have decided to continue the race until it's 10th year (2026), then call it a day.  

I feel like it is important to end the race on a high note, and leave people with good memories from it.  We have worked very hard to build our Loup Garou community, and we make every effort to make our race special - from the runner swag and merchandise to the gumbo and aid stations... we want all of our runners to know that if they do the work in training, we will take care of them during the race so that they have the best opportunity to reach their goal. 

This race is special to all of us, and I want to preserve the positive vibe and good memories from the event.  

So, if this is a bucket list item for you, you may want to get to training!  2026 will be here before you know it!  

Registration for 2024 is open in Ultrasignup, and we can't wait to see our running family again next December! 


Happy Running, 


Thursday, February 16, 2023

Registration is OPEN and back on UltraSignup!

 We CAN.NOT.WAIT. to see you guys again in December!  Registration is open:


Potential 200 & 500 Mile Jackets

REMINDER:  I have moved the Loup Garou registration over to UR Ultra - a site that donates a portion of the proceeds to veterans charities.  The link for 2023 is here:  https://urultra.com/races/loup-garou-trail-run/

Just out of curiosity, I decided to compile all of the results from 2017 - 2022 to see who may be creeping up on a 200 or 500 mile jacket, and WOW the list is growing!  Many races have 500 mile jackets when you cover 500 miles at their race. I have one from Rocky Raccoon and it is my favorite jacket (4 - 100 milers and 2 - 50 milers).

When I started Loup Garou, I knew I wanted to do a 500 mile jacket for this reason, but I wanted to offer something to reward people who are loyal to the race but just don't want to run a 100 miler, so I came up with the 200 mile jacket milestone as well.   (Details on the qualifications here:  http://www.loupgaroutrailrun.com/p/200-500-mile-clubs.html)

Mike Smith was the first to earn a 500 mile jacket in 2021, and now has 600 miles on this trail.  I guess I have to come up with something for 1,000 miles as well now.  What a cool problem to have! 

We also have a couple of great guys who will be earning a 500 mile jacket with their next 100 mile finish:

Gerardo Ramirez and Rene Villalobos

I love these guys and can't wait to hand them their jackets!!  BUT, we also have a healthy list of people sneaking up on their 200 mile jackets.  If you read the requirements, you know that for this jacket, you can not have run a 100 miler, but any combination of shorter distances.  If you do the 20 miler for 10 years, you will get your 200 mile jacket!    Here's that list and the remaining miles to cover until they qualify for a jacket:

Myphuong Lam has 180 miles run, and only needs 20 miles!

Christopher Ange, Gwen Zywicke, Jerry Bueno and Sonia Burdett all have 160 miles run, and only need 40 more miles to get to their jacket.  Whether they knock it out in one try or split it over 2 - 20 milers is up to them. 

Sarah LeBlanc, Gennipher Ricks and Jonathan McCall each have 140 miles and only need 60 to get their jackets.  

Mary Skinner has 240 miles (4 - 60 milers) and slipped under the radar for her jacket!  She will be getting hers soon.

This is such a great testament to the loyalty that our runners show to this race, and it is an honor to offer this extra incentive to keep you all running and coming back every year!  We are so happy that you continue to choose Loup Garou and we are always working to make the race an even better experience than last year.

IF YOU ARE ONE OF THE PEOPLE MENTIONED ABOVE, and you plan on trying for your jacket in 2023, give me a heads up by email at Edie.Couvillon@gmail.com, so I can have them ordered in time.  Otherwise I will have to mail it to you after, but I would much rather hand it to you myself. ;-) 

REMINDER:  I have moved the Loup Garou registration over to UR Ultra - a site that donates a portion of the proceeds to veterans charities.  The link for 2023 is here:  https://urultra.com/races/loup-garou-trail-run/

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

"The Hot Year"


It was a HOT one, but it was an incredible year nonetheless!  What an amazing weekend to spend in the woods with my trail running family.  Thank you to all who came out to race and stayed to visit after.  So many people came for the beautiful trail and great support and stayed for the camaraderie, beer, gumbo and vegan chili after, it made my heart full.  Trail running is about racing and pushing yourself, but it is just as much about community and making new friends.  I love that we can provide a venue for both to happen.

The results from 2022 are up (see results page), and we are close to opening 2023. SAVE THE DATE!  December 2, 2023 will be the 7th installment of the Loup Garou Trail run and we are already excited to see all of you again.  

We are moving registration over to UR Ultra this year, away from Ultrasignup.  UR Ultra is a registration company owned by veterans who give a portion of their fees to veterans charities.  As a big fan of veterans (my dad was active duty in WWII, and my husband was active duty in the Gulf War), this is a win-win.  The registration will be open shortly, and the updated link will be on the Registration tab of this website.

If you are considering staying in the park, now would be a good time to reserve your cabin or camp spot.  When looking on the park map on the reservation site (https://www.lastateparks.com/parks-preserves/chicot-state-park), if you look at PV001, that is where the start/finish will be.  The south landing is the closest area for camping to the start/finish and there are "glamping" tents just a few minutes from the start as well. 

If you are on Facebook, like the Loup Garou page for updates, and consider joining the Loup Garoup (Thanks to Paul Hand for naming the group - still laughing at that!).



For specific race questions, see the Race Doc tab. If you read through the race doc and there is still a question, feel free to email me at Edie.Couvillon@gmail.com.

Thank you and I can't wait to give all of you medals and hugs one day! 

Edie C Aymond, RD and proud "trail mom" to all of you!